Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Training My Dog - How to Train My Dog to Sit

By Daniel  Oluwatobi

When most dog owners get their puppies, one of the commands that will like their puppy to obey is the "sit" command. For some, it is difficult, but it is not as difficult as most people think it's just that some dog owners do not know the right technique to do this and so they only succeed in confusing their pet.

When training your puppy/dog to sit down I grouped the training technique into two categories. The first technique is for young puppies and the second technique is for the older dogs.

Technique 1

When you are with your dog and it sits down or about to sits down or in the act of sitting down, you can say "sit" in a clear but firm tone. If your puppy is about to sit and you give the command sit and it obeys you, you can just give praise. What you have succeeded is doing is building association between your sit command and the act of sitting.

Technique 2

For older dogs the above technique may not work very well, so you can use this second technique for your older dogs to command it to sit. For older dogs, you can just hold a tasty treat and guide the treat from his nose level up over his head and make sure this treat is about few centimeters away from its nose, by doing this your dog will want to follow the treat there by it rear end will touch the ground and as soon as this happens, give the treat and lavish your dog with praise.

But note that this tasty treat must not be too far back over its head else it will jump up or backs away. You can now repeat this procedure until your dog gets it, then you can now introduce the verbal part of the command just before you move your hand say sit. When your dog gets it, give praise. Your dog will soon get used to the verbal sit command and respond. Remember consistency plays a vital role in this technique.

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Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Dog Behaviour Issues

By Jon Buchan

It is not only irritating, at times it can be startling, it can wake people up and sometimes it can seem like there's not much you can do to stop it. Pets can get out of the habit for months then suddenly they're barking all the time again. How on earth can you prevent this from reoccurring?

Fortunately, help is at hand. You can attend classes or meet with a behavioural expert for advice on how to prevent your pet from barking the house down. The idea behind it is to understand why your dog is barking and to react accordingly in order to ensure that you are getting to the root cause to prevent further outbursts.

There are plenty of reasons for barking, for example, some dogs want to alert you to danger, they can do it out of fear and sometimes dogs will bark when they are frustrated, stressed or simply bored.
One of the best ways to deal with this is to try and notice when they typically start barking. Of course it might seem like it's happening all the time, but generally pets tend to follow behavioural patterns whereby certain stimuli set them off, the same way humans respond to certain things consistently.

If you use rewards after calming the dog down it will help them to associate positivity and relief rather than anger and punishment with their outbursts. This can encourage them to be less highly strung around the home, providing them with a more relaxed home life and reducing their need to bark constantly.

Another way to do it; -especially if they tend to bark when they think someone new is approaching the home - is to simply take an hour or so to repeatedly walk in and out of your front door. Making sure your dog's in close proximity. When they start barking, simply open the door and walk in and show them there's nothing to worry about. Soon enough they will begin to realise that it's unlikely anyone is coming into the house is a threat and that it's safe to relax when they hear things going on outside.

One of the great ways to reward your pets is to give them treats - if you are looking for bespoke treats designed for training check out Wagg foods for more information.

Wagg is the leading UK value manufacturer of quality dry food for pets. Our pet food range includes complete [http://www.waggfoods.co.uk/]dry dog food, complete puppy food, complete senior [http://www.waggfoods.co.uk/]dog food, which you can buy online.

Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com


Monday, January 3, 2011

Dog Health Tips - 7 Keys to Maintaining Your Dog's Optimal Health

By  Mia Montagliani

If you're reading this article, then you really care for your dog's health. Although the healthiest of dogs can succumb to certain diseases, it pays to be diligent about health issues so you can give your dog the best chance of a quality (and longer) life. Here are my seven tips for optimal health:

A Good Start

1. Start by choosing a healthy dog from the beginning. People in our society love the underdog. That means that lots of people are drawn to the poor little pup who is smaller than his littermates or who already looks sickly. Some people like to adopt a dog who needs extra help. That's great. But, if you do adopt a pooch who already has some health issues or who is less robust than his littermates, be prepared for bigger health problems as she gets older.

If you really want to have a healthy dog who will still be healthy when she's 12 years old, choose the healthiest possible puppy in the litter. Look for bright, clear eyes; an outgoing, friendly personality; and a pup who is playful. Don't bring home the puppy who is shy and hides in a corner or who acts like she doesn't feel well.


2. Keep your furry friend vaccinated. Many people take canine diseases lightly today but they are deadly serious. Parvovirus and distemper still kill dogs. Rabies is deadly both to your dog and to you. Start your puppy off right with vaccinations from the time you bring her home and follow recommendations for booster shots to keep your dog healthy. You should visit the vet annually for a check-up.

Fresh Water

3. Make sure your dog has plenty of fresh water available at all times. This is often easier said than done. Some dogs like to play in their water, turn it over and they can get their water dirty very quickly. Check your dog's water frequently and make sure your dog has fresh water to drink. Water keeps your dog hydrated and flushes toxins from her system.

Food Fit for a King

4. Provide your dog with a good quality dog food. There is always much discussion about which dog food to feed your dog. Should you feed the most expensive premium food? Should you buy organic dog food? Should you stick with a tried and true grocery store brand? The best advice is to keep feeding your puppy or dog what she's been getting before she came to live with you. Then pay close attention to her condition. How are her skin and coat? Does she keep good weight? Does she develop allergies? If your dog continues to do well on this original food consider staying with it since your dog has shown that she is thriving on it. If you must change foods, do so slowly. Learn to read dog food labels and choose foods with quality ingredients. Remember that the most important thing is your dog's condition.

Dental Care

5. Take care of your dog's teeth. Many owners overlook their dogs' dental care with dire results. Your dog needs her teeth brushed often. Veterinary dentists recommend brushing everyday. It's estimated that most dogs have some periodontal disease by the time they're three years old. Dogs can develop plaque and tartar on their teeth which makes them brown and ugly and can lead to bad breath. Regular brushing will help prevent this build-up.

Ears 'n Nails

6. Care for your dog's ears and nails. Lots of owners tend to skip these grooming essentials but if they do their dog can develop problems. Ears should be cleaned once a week. Otherwise your dog may develop an ear infection. Nails left untrimmed can grow too long and make it difficult for your dog to walk properly.


7. Make sure that your dog gets plenty of exercise. It's estimated that nearly 40 percent of the dogs in the United States are overweight or obese. Being overweight puts your dog at risk for many serious health problems. One of the main reasons dogs are overweight is because they simply eat too much and don't get enough exercise. Take your dog for walks. Be more active with her. Find some fun dog sports that the two of you can enjoy together. Spend time playing with your dog and get her running! Whatever your dog likes to do, find ways to encourage your dog to get some exercise.

If you follow these suggestions your dog can be healthier and live a longer life.
The Complete Healthy Dog Handbook: The Definitive Guide to Keeping Your Pet Happy, Healthy & Active Through Every Stage of Life

Mia Montagliani is the owner of two Manchester Terriers, Frodo and Ziggy. Mia is passionate about the welfare of animals and dogs. Mia is also committed to improving the relationship between owners and their dogs and helping dog owners train their dogs humanely, effectively and stress free. For more information, please visit [http://www.YourDogNeedsYou.com]http://www.YourDogNeedsYou.com. For regular updates, hints and tips become a fan of the "Your Dog Needs You" page in Facebook.

Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Dog Training for Newbies - Tips and Advices in Dog Training for Beginners

By Stanley Morse

Owning a dog is a decision that should be thought over and over again. Your responsibilities don't end with just feeding them, taking them for a walk, or having them looked at by a vet. You should also make it feel loved and be a part of the family. And like kids who receive teachings in good manners and education, dogs should also undergo training. This is one of the reasons why many prospective dog owners hesitate, because they are afraid that they won't for a good job of training their dogs.

Well here are advices and tips that can help as guide for dog training for Newbies.

For starters, teach your dog the simplest and the most basic commands first. This way, you can develop a bond and let the dog learn how to receive commands and follow them. As you progress, your dog will be able to associate obeying a command with a sense of pride and achievement, not to mention the treats he gets when he is rewarded for being obedient. Start out with the simple commands like sit, stay, sleep, stop, or down.

Next stop is the crate training. Crate training is essential as this would give them an idea of where to eliminate their wastes and to respect areas of the home. Plus, if a dog learns to stay on the crate, you will be able to transport the dog easily from one place to another without any struggles. Learning to stay in a crate also allows them to have a place which they can call their own when they need to rest.

Simultaneously, a dog should be house trained or potty trained. This is essential if you want your home to stay clean and smell clean as well. This should be repeatedly done until the dog gets it. You should be totally committed to this task until you achieve your goals so that the dog would understand how important it is that they don't do their waste disposal inside the house.

Next, teach your dog not to bite. Curbing the natural instincts of the dog to bite can be difficult, especially in puppies which are growing teeth. If your dog starts to bite, reprimanded it, especially if it is biting you or your furniture and belongings. Don't hurt it, but rather, reprimanded it firmly without shouting. Be consistent and always keep an eye on the dog.

Curb your dogs barking. Barking is the basic method as to which a dog communicates. But if it is excessive, it can get very annoying and can disturb your neighbors as well. Learning the cause of their barking is the first step. That's why it is important to learn how a dog communicates, like understanding their body posture, and their faces. Let the dog know that you are annoyed with his or barking, and reward it only if they have learned to stop barking for a period of time.

Remember, there is really no easy way in training a dog, but with these easy steps to follow you will be on your way in learning effective dog training Newbies.
Basic Obedience Tips for Dog Owners

Stan enjoys writing on wide range of topics such as   Dog Training for Beginners. Visit http://olderdogtraining.org for more details.

Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com

Monday, August 9, 2010

Weimaraner Training - 5 Rules For Successful Dog Training

The Beginner's Guide to Dog AgilityBy  Shalisha Alston

A Weimaraner is a working breed. That means the breed was bred originally to hunt bear and boar. That makes this dog extremely energetic, high strung, intelligent, and needy. Here are 5 key rules when training a Weimaraner.

1. Engage Your Weimaraner in Vigorous Exercise

The Weimaraner breed has not been watered down since domestication. So its instinct to hunt and dig are still deeply engrained. These dogs have so much energy, they can outlast their master in play any day of the week!

You must tire them out by taking them to a dog run at least 2-3 times a day for an hour each time. Let them jostle with other dogs. This activity alone will wear them out. Another good idea would be to start them on an agility training program.With.The Only Dog Tricks Book You'll Ever Need: Impress Friends, Family--and Other Dogs!

2. Engage The Weimaraner's Intellect

Another one of the 5 key rules when training a Weimaraner is engaging their intellect. The Weimaraner is a very intelligent breed. Mental stimulation for this dog is a must.

Agility training will help with both physical stimulation and mental stimulation. In agility training, the dog is trained to go through an obstacle course. This makes the dog have to think on its feet.

3. Alleviate Separation Anxiety

Weimaraners tend to be very clingy to their masters. They become very upset when separated from their masters for very long periods of time. Onf of the best 5 key rules when training a Weimaraner is to slowly introduce your Weimeraner to the concept of your leaving him.

First, let him see you put on your shoes and coat. But then don't go anywhere. Then, on another occasion, let him see you pick up your keys as if you are getting ready to leave. Dogs know when their masters are going out.

But again, you're not going to actually leave. The idea is you want to work your way into him getting used to you about to leave so that his anxiety level becomes less and less.

Finally, after doing those two exercises a few times, actually leave him and come back in 5 minutes. The next time you leave him, come back in 10 minutes. This will slowly build his tolerance for his anxiety attacks.

4. Let Him Sleep On His Own Bed

The fourth of the 5 key rules to training a Weimaraner is to let your dog get used to sleeping in his own bed! Many dog owners, myself included, allow their dogs to sleep in the same bed.

The problem with this is, your Weimaraner is already needy. If you allow him to sleep in your bed, you'll never get him to go into a crate. And, crate training is crucial for the Weimaraner.

5. Crate Train Early

Lastly, crate training for the Weimaraner is crucial. Crate training allows your dog to view his crate as a safe haven. Feeling safe emotionally is what Weimaraners crave.

Early crate training your Weimaraner will also help with separation anxiety. How? Dogs are den animals. Having a cave-like place to go to is comforting for a dog. What better way for your Weimaraner to feel safe in his natural habitat than by putting him in a crate, which replicates a den for him?
The Only Dog Tricks Book You'll Ever Need: Impress Friends, Family--and Other Dogs!
Learning the [http://www.dogtrainingbreeds.com]5 key rules training Weimaraner  will help you go a along way in establishing confidence in your dog. It will also help you in [http://www.dogtrainingbreeds.com]obedience training your dog  as well as develop a loving bond between you and your best friend.

Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?Weimaraner-Training---5-Rules-For-Successful-Dog-Training&id=4296912] Weimaraner Training - 5 Rules For Successful Dog Training

Saturday, August 7, 2010

The Factors to Consider in Successful Dog Training Program

How to Raise the Perfect Dog: Through Puppyhood and BeyondBy  Victor Joseph

Do you want to train your dog but don't know where to start? There are many training techniques for dog owners to employ. Not all methods work perfectly with every dog, but when the right technique is used, it can produce the kind of result the owner wants.

Successful dog training techniques consist of these four important factors.

Positive reinforcement should be your base for good training.

Any successful training technique must rely on the use of positive reinforcement for optimal results. Dogs perform much better when they are rewarded. Positive reinforcement is much more successful than punishment or negative reinforcement. Some dogs may follow commands out of fear, but, using such negative reinforcement will develop a more serious problem in the future.

Exercise is important for successful training.

Dogs constantly need extensive physical activity so a successful training program must include exercise. Not only is it good for the general health of your dog, but, it is also a good approach for the dog to make him more attentive and receptive for his training. A great way to start off your training is to do some exercise with your dog.

A Fun interaction between the two of you is important.

One reason why humans and dogs get along very well is because of a dog's social nature. Dogs definitely enjoy the company of its owners so training ideas should be based on this idea. Training should be presented as a fun opportunity for interaction. This does not mean that you'll have an unruly or undisciplined training session with your dog, but rather, one that is done with love and kindness instead of one with a rigid and strict attitude.

Training is an Ongoing Process

Training does not stop when the session ends. It is an ongoing process and whatever is learned in any specific session should be applied in the dog's daily activity. All the lessons learned during the session should be reinforced at all times. It is also important that the owner recognize that there is no time frame for the training. You go along with your dog's progress. Do not try to force your dog to learn. If you or your dog become aggravated and frustrated then it is a sign that it is time to call it a day. Besides, all the lessons that you have taught your dog will be implemented through each day. This is where true learning happens.

Taking in all of these factors will result in a successful dog training program. To have successful trained your dog is indeed a big accomplishment.The Dog Whisperer: Beginning and Intermediate Dog Training

Victor Joseph has been writing articles online now for over a year. He not only does he specializes in nutrition, dogs, weight loss, personal development and golf, you can check out his latest website on [http://www.dogtrainingadvicehq.com]dog training advice and [http://www.dogtrainingadvicehq.com]puppy training advice

Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?The-Factors-to-Consider-in-Successful-Dog-Training-Program&id=4750203

Friday, July 30, 2010

Dog Training Tips - Rules Your Puppy Must Know!

Dog Obedience Training: Learn How To Train Your Dog the Positive, Gentle, and Effective Way, Instructional DVDBy  Raymond Willis
Just as children have house rules so must your puppy. Implementing puppy house rules starting from the first day you bring him home is the first step in successful puppy dog training.

You can learn the best dog training advice from professional dog trainers, fellow dog owners, or by purchasing well reviewed K9 training materials such as books and videos. This positive training advice will help you understand what kind of puppy rules you should put into place as well as teach you the best dog training advice. Some common puppy house rules include, of course, house training. If you want your puppy to be house trained you may consider using the crate training method. The more consistent you are with house training your puppy and the more positive dog training you use, the quicker he will become house trained and learn the first rule. The first rule? You go outside to potty! Some other puppy house rules may include no chewing on the furniture, no getting up on the furniture or in the bed, and no begging. You will also want your K9 training to include no jumping up on visitors. If you begin teaching your puppy house rules when he is young, it is more likely that he will retain the training and not break any of the rules as he gets bigger.

Dog Obedience Training: Learn How To Train Your Dog the Positive, Gentle, and Effective Way, Instructional DVD

You have to work on these rules with your pet and puppy dog training begins with you. Your puppy doesn't know these rules, he has to be taught them and you have to be the one to do the teaching. You must be patient with the puppy and understand that he will not learn all of the puppy house rules in one day. Take time with him, give him positive dog training and soon he will follow all of the puppy rules and will be a well trained dog in the future.

For Free methods on how to train your dog go to: [http://dogs-training-tips.com/]Dog Training Tips

I am a professional dog trainer and have trained various mixed and pure breeds. I have seen some great dogs with some terrible dog owners. I want very much to assist the misguided dog owners to be responsible for how they train their pets. Visit my website at: http://dogs-training-tips.com/when-dogs-run-out-the-door/

Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com